Santa Rosa Nutrition
Eat Healthier, Live Longer
The 2 main lipids (fats) in the blood are cholesterol
and triglyceride. Cholesterol is essential to both the
structure and function of the body's cells. Cholesterol
is an important component of cell membranes as well
as a building block for certain types of hormones.
Triglycerides are important in the transfer of the
energy derived from food into cells.

If too much cholesterol is present in the blood over
many years, it can accumulate in the walls of the
arteries that supply blood to the heart and the brain.
Together with other substances, a hard deposit forms
in the blood vessel wall. These fatty deposits are
called plaques and this condition is known as
atherosclerosis. The plaques over time can enlarge
causing narrowing of the arteries and can eventually
compromise the blood supply to the heart, brain and
other vital organs. Elevated triglyceride levels are also
felt to increase the risk for the development of

Atherosclerosis affecting the artery supplying heart
muscle (coronary artery disease) increases the risk of a
heart attack. Similarly, atherosclerosis affecting the
blood vessels which supply the brain increases the risk
of a stroke. Elevated cholesterol is one factor among
several which should be considered when assessing the
overall risk for the development of atherosclerosis.
Other significant factors would include family history,
build, tobacco use and high blood pressure. For
additional and more complete information on
cholesterol, the following web site is recommended:
On my links page you will find additional lipid resources, but here is some
information to get you started:
Click here to contact James concerning your dietary needs.
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